About Us

I wanted to start a company that had a mission dear to my heart and benefitted others, both locally and globally.  From the naming of my company, Adiam (which means “reminiscent” or “a reminder of something sentimental”) to the driving force behind me—better food for my friends and family—everything I do comes full circle.

Adiam Teff Delights was born out of necessity to provide my child the opportunity to enjoy simple favorites—pancakes, cookies, and cakes—without feeling sick.  Because he is allergic to gluten, dairy, soy, rice, and some nuts, I needed to get creative.  I needed more than the options that were available at local food stores.  And I also needed to be sure that the ingredients I would use provided the best nutrition.  I did lots of research and found that my Ethiopian roots had the answer. Yes, Teff, a traditional Ethiopian grain rich in iron, calcium, high in protein, low in saturated fat, and with 8 essential amino acids, would help provide my son with a nutrient-dense diet.

Company Facts:

  • Name: Adiam Teff Delights
  • Founded in 2014 by Adiam
  • Started in Pinole, CA